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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Crystal and Gemstone Therapy on DrStandley.com

Research on crystals & gemstones -

Since we have crystalline structures in our brain, why wouldn't our bodies react to crystals?

I have not found any research that says crystals and gemstones for therapeutic uses is an exact science, although there is some scientific textbook information that speaks of crystalline structures in the brain. For that reason alone, I am a firm believer. Scientists have absolutely no clue as to why these tiny crystalline structures exist in our brains but they are there. These structures are situated in the brain and were discovered through the use of an electron microscope.

Most holistic practitioners who use crystals and gemstones will only use the highest quality stones available. They are passionate about gems and natural stones and are quite sensitive to their raw characteristics. High quality gemstone are stones that have 'not' been dyed, irradiated to intensify the color and they have no chips, cracks or fractures.

So why do some practitioners only use round stones?

You may find some practitioners will only use round stones during your therapy. I have not found any reason for only using round stones as opposed to triangular, square, or pointed stones unless there is a safety issue with sharp edges or that the energy may be considered aggressive like a sharp edge in Feng Shui is considered aggressive. I have read where non-rounded gems and stones may have different effects. In my opinion, if a stone is pure in its natural chemical property then it should do the required job regardless of his shape, texture or contour.

Can I choose my own stone?

You can choose a stone that resonates with your spirit. Discover the stones for yourself and find out what makes you smile, or where you see the beauty. Some people will keep a stone with them for about a week, even while sleeping to see if it enhances any certain area of their life.

All stones should be cleaned after each use to disperse and clear any collected energy. Also, you or the gemstone therapist may choose to muscle test to see if a particular gemstone is right for you.

Ask yourself a few questions -

Pay attention to your moods and emotions, your dreams and interactions with others. Have you had any more insight than usual? Trust your own intuition and pose a question about what you are trying to accomplish before spending the week with a particular stone. Let your conscious be your guide.

The 7 Color Rays -

Some gemstone therapists use stones in chakra balancing that support a particular chakra, which may be able to enhance healing on many different levels. The chakras represent all seven color rays on the color spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.


Blue Adventurine
Green Adventurine
Cape Amethyst
Green Fluorite
Purple Rainbow Fluorite
Leopardskin Jasper
Mahogany Obsidian
Grey Moonstone
Orange Moonstone
White Moonstone
Moss Agate
Mother of Pearl
Black Obsidian
Black Onyx
Mexican Onyx
Black Opal
Fresh Water Pearl
Poppy Jasper
Frosted Quartz
Rose Quartz
Green Tourmaline
Pink Tourmaline
Tree Agate

AMAZONITE: Amazonite on DrStandley.com

This stone is said to improve self-confidence and self-worth.

Amazonite assists in communicating one's true thoughts and feelings without over-emotionalism. It also enables one to see a problem from another's point of view in order to affect peace, or to see both sides of an issue objectively to resolve one's own inner conflicts. Sleeping with an Amazonite can bring these components into focus through the symbolism of dreams. [Simmons, 22][Hall, 50]

As a support stone, Amazonite aids in overcoming loneliness, and has been credited with making married life happier. [Mella, 137][www.gemselect.com]

Amazonite is a Barrier Filter crystal that blocks geopathic stress, absorbs microwaves and cell phone emanations, and protects against electromagnetic pollution. Place it near computers and other electronics, or tape to your cell phone. [Hall, 50]

In the workplace, Amazonite dispels negative energy and aggravation, and protects against unfair business practices and others taking advantage. A stone of prosperity, Amazonite attracts new customers and orders to a business, and assists one in being in the right place at the right time for new opportunities. [Melody, 106][Hall, 50][Eason, 41, 286]

Amazonite is a good luck stone for games of chance, competitions and luck in any financial venture. To make a lucky-charm, combine three Amazonites and a small amount of basil and mint in a small pouch. Leave it in front of a turquoise candle until the candle burns down. [Eason, 44, 286]

Hide an Amazonite in a child's or teen's bedroom to encourage tidiness, and keep a dish of Amazonites on the kitchen table to persuade others to assist more with chores. [Eason, 286]

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AMBER: Amber on DrStandley.com

Sometimes life can deal you a crushing blow, making our burdens feel heavy and unbearable. Amber allows happiness to enter and lift those burdens.

Amber is a protective stone for children and may be worn as a necklace, bracelet, sewn into an infant's garment or placed in their environment to ward off negative energies and shield them from harm. It is also prized for energetically reducing teething pain, though it should never be placed in the mouth. It is highly beneficial when treating infants or children for the mother to wear the Amber first. [Megemont, 23][Fernie, 323][Eason, 82][Hall, 52]

Wear or carry Amber when recovering from an illness or injury to increase vitality and draw on one's own essential strength and desire for wellness. Its vibration of life force brings warmth to the inner being and imparts more of this energy into the system. Amber may also be used to achieve longevity, and is a marvelous gem for the elderly. [Simmons, 24]

As a love crystal, golden-orange Amber is a symbol of beauty and tenderness, a good-luck talisman for increasing natural radiance and attracting lasting love. It may be used to call in a twin soul, or for protection against negative outside influences and interference. It is a wonderful gem for assuring promises and has been used in the renewal of marriage vows. [Eason, 43, 82][Lecouteux, 312][Melody, 107]

Believed to “electrify” desire, Amber is credited with helping to cure impotence and frigidity, and to aid female fertility and male potency. [Megemont, 23][Eason, 82]

Amber is an exceptional rubbing stone for discharging negative moods, relieving anxiety, or deflecting energy from others. It warms the more it is touched and generates a positive, uplifting current of energy. Carry in the pocket, wear in jewelry, or use in rosary or prayer beads. [Mella 72][Lembo, 61][Megemont, 22-23]

Use Amber to purify any environment before use, or to remove negative energy by placing pieces of Amber around the space, spray as an elixir, or burn as incense. It also provides an effective screen after the area has been cleansed. For healers who work with removing entities from one's energy field, Amber can be a valuable ally for sealing the aura after extraction and clearing any lingering negative patterns. Amber assists those who are new to exploring their psychic sensitivity by providing a Light barrier against negative forces until they are able to control their intuitive skills. [Melody, 108][Ahsian, 25][101 Hall, 26]

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Many people where an amethyst when they are having spiritual difficulties or where it during prayer or meditation. It is said to carry the color ray, purple. A gemstone therapist may place this stone around the stomach or liver areas.

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Need to enhance communication? This stone is often worn by those who feel misunderstood or by those who want to communicate more effectively. The gemstone therapist may use this stone while working with a virus.

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This is sometimes considered a grieving stone. It radiates love, mercy and understanding. Holding, wearing or staring at the stone can give peace while meditating on the ocean.

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This stone is used to clear congestion, enhance circulation and move energy in the body where there is stagnation of chi'. This stone can stir up a lot of relief.

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The stone may be used for any type of physical healing. A gemstone therapist may place this stone where healing is needed the most. They say Transparent Aventurine is extremely powerful, however an immature Transparent Adventurine may fade.

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This stone has been used for those with arthritis. It is commonly wrapped around the aching joint to promote balance and clear energy blockages. It is also said to balance the physical, emotional and spiritual body. Some practitioners may use this stone on specific acupuncture points to clear stagnated chi'.

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This stone is said to carry the color ray orange. It stimulates the mental and creative processes. It is also used for asthma, allergies and respiratory complaints.

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Here is a stone that a gemstone therapist might recommend for protection. This stone allows is said to facilitate working with the inner self to help deal with external influences. If you are nervous in a crowd, try this stone.

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CITRINE: Citrine on DrStandley.com

A gemstone therapist may use this stone to balance the body, for structural support and to give a feeling of being uplifted. Citrine represents the color ray yellow.

Natural Citrine enhances physical stamina and energy, supports the endocrine system, and encourages proper metabolism. [Ahsian, 120][Megemont, 59-60] It is beneficial for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and may aid in reversing degenerative disease. It is thought to balance the thyroid and facilitate the diminishment of growths. [Hall, 119][Melody, 211]

Citrine stimulates digestion, the spleen and pancreas. It helps keep skin, nails, and hair healthy, and is good for relieving skin irritations and allergies, especially those caused by food or chemical intolerances. [Gienger, 28][Megemont, 60][Hall, 119][Eason, 89]

Natural Citrine is beneficial in eliminating infections of the kidney and bladder, and in the treatment of bed wetting, particularly in young adults. As an elixir, Citrine relieves menstrual and menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, hormone imbalance and the alleviation of fatigue. It may also be used for nausea and vomiting, and morning sickness. [Eason, 89][Hall, 119][Gienger, 28]

Citrine activates nerve impulses, strengthening intelligence and the intellectual faculties of concentration and wisdom. [Megemont, 59-60] It also aids in short-term memory loss. [Eason, 89]

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Sometimes our emotions can get away from us. The tensions of relationships, career, and finances can be overwhelming at times. Coral has been used to strengthen one's emotional outlook and self-control.

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Diamond on DrStandley.com DIAMOND:

Some profound insight has been reported with diamond therapy. I think any kind of diamond therapy would make me feel good! A gemstone therapist may choose this stone to increase clarity and vision.

For anyone who has lost their identity or self-worth, is confused, reluctant or unable to step into their spiritual destiny in this life, the Diamond brings a sense of radiance, a loving energy that clears the aura and fills the emptiness with purity and Light. It links with the Divine, and as the evolution and required growth manifests within the heart, it allows the soul's light to shine out and be shared with others. [Eason, 136][Ahsian, 135][Melody, 243-244][Hall, 123]

Diamond also encourages one to look at the struggles and hardships of life and see if the lessons and growth they’ve provided can be used in a positive way. The Diamond lends strength in dealing with high-pressure situations and assists in responding with grace. It asks us to be a model of fortitude in times of adversity, and helps one understand it is in these difficult times our behavior reveals our true inner beauty and our soul's knowledge. [Ahsian, 135]

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EMERALD: Emerald on DrStandley.com

Some gemstone therapists say this is one of the strongest healing gemstones. It carries the color ray green. It promotes physical and emotional healing. It helps to balance chaos through the internal and external being. Symbol of prosperity promoting awareness and conscious recognition.

Emerald is an excellent stone for reviving passion, whether for an interest, a person, or a job. To attract romantic love, wear or carry an Emerald out of sight near the heart. To call back an estranged love, speak the words you wish to say holding the stone close to your lips and seal it in an envelope. If appropriate, send it to the person with a message. [Eason, 250]

In tumblestone form, Emerald promotes good self-esteem, especially in restoring the confidence of young girls or teens that have been teased about their weight, or any young person made to feel inferior due to the inability to afford the latest designer goods. [Eason, 250]

While Emerald has a calming effect on the emotions, it has an invigorating effect on thought, reflection, and philosophy. It is a marvelous crystal for activating artistic creativity, and for bringing focus and intensity to one's lifework. [Megemont, 81][Melody, 257]

Emerald is a remarkable support stone for the workplace. It increases mental acuity, strengthens memory and inspires eloquence in speech. Natural Emerald or tumblestone held for five minutes a day brings rapid recall of facts, and is ideal for occupations where visionary insight is a significant benefit. It enkindles success in business, especially for older women, and is particularly known for assistance in areas of legal affairs, trials and litigation. [Kunz, 78][Hall, 127][Eason, 250][Melody, 258][www.jewelsforme.com]

Emerald brings a soothing mental and emotional equilibrium, making it extremely beneficial in stimulating cooperation and understanding within a group of people. It is also helpful in relieving claustrophobia. [Hall, 127]

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Here's a gemstone for the ladies who are having hormonal imbalances, PMS and going through menopause. Many gemstone therapists find this stone helpful.

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PURPLE RAINBOW FLUORITE: Purple Rainbow Fluorite on DrStandley.com

Need a bit of change in your life? Need a fire lit under your seat? Try this gemstone to help facilitate movement and remove procrastination.

Purple (Violet) Fluorite is the most peace-giving of the Fluorites, dedicated to the devotional aspects of the mind that connect with Spirit. It purifies the mind and enhances mental acuity, stimulating the Third Eye Chakra in order to bring a logical and conscious awareness of the mental processes and how one thinks. It is an excellent crystal for focused meditation and boosts one's intuitive and psychic abilities. Purple Fluorite is a stone of protection, thought to become more protective the longer it is used, and is an ideal “Dream Crystal,” defending one from evil spirits and bad dreams. It radiates a marvelous energy throughout the light body relieving stress, spiritual discomfort, and physical blockages. [Melody, 279][Hall, 131][Margherita, 498][Eason, 210][Simmons, 159]

Rainbow Fluorite, also called Multi-colored Fluorite, displays multiple bands of varying hues of Fluorite. It is ideal for overall cleansing and repair of the auric field, and for activating and energizing all chakras. It calms a chaotic mind and promotes freethinking, flexibility, and freedom of choice. It empowers one to verbalize their ideas and needs with confidence, and to embrace self-sufficiency by not resting one's happiness in the hands of others. Meditation with this mineral can help reveal the truth of a relationship and is marvelous for releasing suppressed emotions and facilitating life changes. Rainbow Fluorite is an excellent talisman for “Indigo Children” to experience simplicity, safety and love on this dimension, and is a great crystal for gaining access to and traversing alternate realities. It may also be used to remove ethereal cords and to shield against psychic attack. [Simmons, 159][Gienger, 39][Melody En, 298][www.spiritofisis.org]

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For a calming and relaxing gemstone, try Jade. Some gemstone therapists may use this stone on sore muscles or wherever tension is mounting. it is said to promote peace.

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This stone has been used to support the emotions. For some emotional syncronicity, try Kunzite.

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LAPIS: Lapis on DrStandley.com

I have a globe in my office made of Lapis and I find it so relaxing and peaceful. I can sit there and think without dozing off. Lapis is said to help the mind understand. It helps to open and expand awareness. Even if the emotions of the heart are running overtime, gemstone therapist says it can balance the mind with the heart.

Lapis is one of the oldest spiritual stones known to man, used by healers, priests and royalty, for power, wisdom and to stimulate psychic abilities and inner vision. It represents universal truth. [Mella, 89-90]

Lapis quickly releases stress, allowing for peace and serenity. Placed over the third eye, Lapis expands awareness and conscious attunement to the intuitive self, stimulating enlightenment and enhancing dream work. It permits spiritual journeying, and tapping into personal and spiritual power. Lapis provides a connection with dream forces that are working to both guide and counsel during altered states. [Melody, 370][Hall, 172]

As a protection stone, Lapis Lazuli recognizes psychic attack and blocks it, returning the energy back to its source. [Hall, 172]

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As a supportive stone, a gemstone therapist may use this stone to help call in what you need, not necessarily what you want. Therefore, it is a supportive stone.

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Tough decisions are always hard to make. Try this gemstone! A therapist may use this stone for healing gums or mouth disorders.

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This is a harmony stone. Harmony is subjective. Try it during a meditation.

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Being an air sign myself and being a bit lofty, sometimes I need a bit of grounding. This stone is said to bring one back down to Earth and puts you back in your body and promotes a sense of grounding.

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This is a cleansing stone. Gemstone therapists may use this stone to help one accept another stone's energy or power. A particular moonstone is used depending on how much cleansing is needed.

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This is a cleansing stone. Gemstone therapists may use this stone to help one accept another stone's energy or power. It is a comforting stone and said to be not as powerful as the White Moonstone.

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WHITE MOONSTONE: Unakite on DrStandley.com

This is also a cleansing stone. Gemstone therapists may use this stone to help one accept another stone's energy or power, by enhancing the effects. It is said to balance the yin and yang.

The white crystal energies present in all Moonstones have an association with the Crown Chakra and our spiritual center. They represent personal identification with the Infinite, and oneness with God, peace and wisdom. [Raphell, 164]

The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head, and is our gateway to the expanded universe beyond our bodies. It controls how we think, and how we respond to the world around us. It is the fountainhead of our beliefs and the source of our spirituality. It connects us to the higher planes of existence and is the source of universal energy and truth. When the Crown is in balance, our energies are in balance. We know our place in the universe and see things as they are. We are unruffled by setbacks, knowing they are an essential part of life.

Moonstone cleanses and dispels negativity from all the chakras, and provides supplemental energy and support in balancing the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies. It provides spiritual nourishment and sustenance to assist one through all changes. It is also a useful tool in radionic analysis and treatment to help pinpoint problem areas. [Melody, 368, 417]

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Going hiking, fishing, camping or just getting outdoors with nature. This stone is used to enhance nature and working with plants.

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The nurturing and protective feeling of a mother's love is expressed through this stone. Gemstone therapists acknowledge this stone as a great protective stone.

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Here's another grounding stone. Anytime you need grounding, it is a perfect time to get quiet and gain insight. This stone may help. If Aquamarine does not work for you, try Black Obsidian.

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BLACK ONYX: Black Onyx on DrStandley.com

Another grounding stone, it has helped to change bad habits and patterns. Gemstone therapists may use this stone when helping someone quit smoking.

Wear or carry Onyx as a personal amulet of protection to keep senses keen and instincts sharp, whether traversing a desolate street at night, fighting fears associated with bullying or terrorism, or as a protective shield during psychic endeavors. Place an Onyx in the workplace to deflect others’ negative thoughts or criticism, and for effective defense against those who are manipulative or argumentative. Rest an Onyx on a nightstand with the intent of protection against nightmares and fears associated with the dark. Sardonyx may be used to grid around one's home or garden, or apartment building in urban areas, to prevent crime. [Eason, 42, 199][Melody, 451][Lembo, 242-243][www.jewelsforme.com][Hall, 256, 374]

Draw on Onyx for physical strength after a long illness, prolonged work project, demanding exercise or weight loss program, or any situation that depletes one's resources. It aids the retention of energies rather than allowing them to dissipate, enabling one to build up vigor and vitality, stamina, and focus. Onyx boosts self-confidence and assertion while bringing reason to passion, and is an excellent stone to carry into conflict situations where a cool head is needed. [Simmons, 288][Hall, 206-207][Gienger, 63]

Onyx is an excellent stone for stimulating intuitive powers and furthers the quality of sentience. It is highly effective for magical work, such as scrying, and because it retains memories of its wearer, is an excellent stone for psychometry, holding an object for a reading. Onyx is particularly empowering for those working to develop their telekinetic abilities. White Onyx can enhance spiritual vision and dream experiences, and facilitate connection with lunar energies. [Melody, 451][Lembo, 242][Hall, 207][Hall En, 219][Ahsian, 288-289]

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This stone has been used to help individuals reach a deeper sleep or to develop better sleep patterns.

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Looking for your creative juice and passion. Try a Black Opal. A therapist may also use this stone for bone conditions.

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The possibilities in your life are limitless. This stone enhances awareness and helps uncover your hidden passions.

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This is a Lovely stone. A therapist may choose this stone to help their client feel Lovable and worthy of being Loved. It is used to help see all you have to offer to yourself and others.

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This stone is often used after some energy work has been done. They say it brings the energy back into the body. The therapist is clear that the energy they bring back in is new energy and not the energy that has just been released. They say use with caution because of the bringing in of new energy.

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POPPY JASPER: Poppy Jasper on DrStandley.com

Need a new and more positive perspective. Try this stone for a change in the mental and emotional scenario.

Poppy Jasper is a variation of Brecciated Jasper characterized by orbicular patterns of bright red “poppies” amid mottled shades of brown, black, yellow or white. A joyful stone associated with poppies and remembrance, Poppy Jasper brings cheerfulness and vitality, reminding humanity to help one another. This stone can be gently stimulating, or fiery in passion and intensity as needed. It provides the impetus for variety and new experiences, and encourages the development of fresh ideas.

Jasper provides a strengthening energy for the emotional body, easing stress and producing a calm stability. For those sensitive to its vibration, it creates a special aura, a pleasant sensation as it irradiates throughout the body. It invites feelings of compassion and patience, humility, and even generosity. [Megemont, 101][Mella, 88-89]

A stone of courage, Jasper imparts determination and tenacity in all pursuits. It encourages one to be honest with oneself when confronting problems, and helps one recognize and overcome insecurities, fears and guilt. It inspires moving forward assertively, rather than aggressively, and acts as a reminder to work harmoniously with others. [Hall, 155][Hall III, 112][Mella, 88][Gienger, 50-53]

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This stone has been used for balance and self-control. It is said to be incredibly relaxing and soothing.

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Here is another stone to balance the emotions. It has also been used for communication and expressing the emotions. Some gemstone therapists find that gold on one person or silver on another person may change the way the client reacts to the stone.

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Going on to a deeper emotional level. Rhodonite has been used for emotional support and endurance.

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Change is good, and change is often. This stone may be used to facilitate a change in lifestyle. They say it stimulates confidence, belief and faith while going through desired changes.

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Rubies carry the color ray red, and we know red represents fire, passion and love. It opens the heart allowing the body to receive love and reject fear.

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The beautiful color ray blue is represented here. A blue sky and a clear mental awareness help release brain fog. This is why Sapphire helps clear brain fog too.

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This is a pretty interesting stone. Sodalite protects against the harmful EMF and external negative energy. It is used near computers, or any other strong electronic device.

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Can't remember your dreams? Try this calming and peaceful stone. This is also meditative stone.

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Do you ever wake up feeling as though you have nothing but negative vibes to share? Maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. A gemstone therapist may recommend this stone to absorb those emotions associated with mental and emotional needs.

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Tanzanite on DrStandley.com TANZANITE:

Here's another stone that may help when going through difficult changes. It opens the mind and heart creating balance.

Tanzanite is an excellent crystal for novices to the exploration of psychic powers, as it is very protective and allows the clairvoyant Brow Chakra to open gradually, preventing psychic impressions from becoming overwhelming. To open the Third Eye and psychic powers, circle a Tanzanite clockwise in the center of the brow, and counterclockwise to close it. [Eason, 221]

As a workplace stone, Tanzanite is calming and soothing. Even a tiny piece is beneficial for overcoming communication difficulties. It is also practical in providing a solution to problems when there seems to be none. It is a good stone for career change. [Eason, 221]

Tanzanite aids in sharing spiritual information and knowledge from a heart-centered perspective, making it an excellent crystal for counselors or others in the position of intellectually interpreting emotional experiences. It also benefits empathetic individuals who form interpretations of emotional information they receive intuitively. [Ahsian, 393]

Worn as jewelry, Tanzanite not only stays within one's auric field and brings one's consciousness to a permanently higher state, but brings the positive self-awakening qualities to others who see its beauty. [Simmons, 392]

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Green Tourmaline on DrStandley.com GREEN TOURMALINE:

Here is a stone specifically for men. Gemstone therapists may use Green Tourmaline for male hormonal balance, protection and healing.

Green Tourmaline attracts luck, success, abundance and prosperity. It inspires creativity, and may be used to project, create and manifest one's goals. It might also increase one's opportunities to earn a second income by turning an interest or hobby into a business. [Raphaell, 130][Eason, 288][Melody, 657]

As a stone of energy and stamina, Green Tourmaline is excellent for sports persons and athletes, and anyone in occupations where rigorous activity is required. [Eason, 288]

Green Tourmaline carries the essence of the plant kingdom, and is conducive to the healing of plants and in helping gardens flourish. It supports the study and practice of herbalism, and increases the effectiveness of herbs and plants in our healing. [Melody, 656-657][Simmons, 410][Hall, 300]

Green Tourmaline assists in overcoming emotional problems associated with a father figure or other male forces in one's life. [Melody, 657][Hall, 300]

Tourmaline is a shamanic stone, providing protection during ritual work. It can be used for scrying, and was traditionally used to point out a cause of trouble or an offender, and to indicate a good direction in which to move. [Hall, 297]

Tourmaline strengthens the sense of smell, and in that respect, can also enhance the perception of pheromones which produces an aphrodisiac effect. [Megemont, 184]

Tourmaline is specifically used to treat motion sickness. It may also assist in restoring luster and shine to hair and nails. [Megemont, 184]

In industry, Tourmalines are highly valued as electrical tuning circuits for conducting television and radio frequencies. They are used for their durability since high frequencies can be passed through them without shattering, as many crystals do. [Mella, 110] [ back to top ]

PINK TOURMALINE: Pink Tourmaline on DrStandley.com

This is a stone that is specifically used for women. Gemstone therapists may use Pink Tourmaline for female hormonal balance, protection and healing.

Pink Tourmaline has been used to reduce the proclivity for falls, in all ages, including toddlers learning to walk. [Melody, 658][Megemont, 184]

Wearing Pink Tourmaline throughout the day helps release stress, worries, depression and anxiety. It can be used in partnership with Black Tourmaline to diffuse obsessive behavior. [Simmons, 408][Ahsian, 408]

Pink Tourmaline is one of the most loving stones for children. It provides comfort to those who have suffered any form of abuse, helps with sleep issues, and is particularly useful for spiritually sensitive Indigo children for its calming, centering qualities and assistance in considering consequences before taking action. [Eason, 53][Ahsian, 408]

Pink Tourmaline is the best crystal of emotional support for teenage pregnancy and to assist in bonding with the baby. [Eason, 53]

Tourmaline is a shamanic stone, providing protection during ritual work. It can be used for scrying, and was traditionally used to point out a cause of trouble or an offender, and to indicate a good direction in which to move. [Hall, 297]

Tourmaline strengthens the sense of smell, and in that respect, can also enhance the perception of pheromones which produces an aphrodisiac effect. [Megemont, 184]

Tourmaline is specifically used to treat motion sickness. It may also assist in restoring luster and shine to hair and nails. [Megemont, 184]

In industry, Tourmalines are highly valued as electrical tuning circuits for conducting television and radio frequencies. They are used for their durability since high frequencies can be passed through them without shattering, as many crystals do. [Mella, 110] [ back to top ]

TREE AGATE: Tree Agate on DrStandley.com

This is stone is for contemplation and introspection. A gemstone therapist may suggest this stone to help see things more openly and with more clarity.

Agate is the name given to numerous varieties of banded Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family. Dendritic Agate, sometimes called Tree Agate, is not banded, and therefore not strictly an Agate in scientific terms but is included in the Agate family. It gets its name from a Greek word meaning tree-like. These Agates are usually colorless, white, or gray, and have tree- or fern-like inclusions of iron or manganese, called dendrites. Less common are green Tree Agates with white dendrites.

Dendritic Agate is ideal for examination of self, and the self-imposed limitations and patterns that make up one's life experiences. It is a helpful talisman for anyone involved in therapy, meditation, rebirthing, a twelve-step program, or any path of serious work that requires a day-to-day behavioral change necessary to achieve desired results. [Simmons, 8]

Agate promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It is a great crystal to use during pregnancy. [Gienger, 7] Agate also helps new mothers avoid the "baby blues" sometimes experienced after giving birth, and an Agate jewel worn between the breasts encourages lactation. [Megemont, 15]

Agate promotes marital fidelity. [Melody, 82] Dendritic Agate strengthens family connections, and a crystal next to a photograph of an estranged family member helps bring him/her home. [Eason, 254]

Dendritic Agate is a protective amulet when traveling, especially by air and against traffic accidents. [Megemont, 16][Eason, 254][Mella, 69]

In the workplace, a bowl of Dendritic or Tree Agates bring a breath of fresh air to stagnant air-conditioned environments. [Eason, 254] As a professional support stone, Dendritic Agate stabilizes the energy levels of secretaries, and provides travel protection for airline and postal workers. [Mella, 129, 132] [ back to top ]

UNAKITE: Unakite on DrStandley.com

This is a balancing stone for the emotions and physical body.

Feng Shui Crystal Tips:

Hung in windows, crystals can bring chi energy from the outside into dark or stagnant areas of your home or office, as well as energizing particular sectors for creating desired positive results. For example, a crystal placed in the south-east, north-west, or center of an environment can aid in stimulating prosperity.

Crystals can also be used to diffuse negative or "sha" chi that results from a sharp corner, beam, or hard edged column. By hanging the crystal near these structures, "knives" or "poison arrows" are dulled and their adverse effects are diminished.

For lasting love, Unakite is traditionally sprinkled with dried yarrow and placed in a sealed bag as a marriage or commitment symbol. It should be replaced on anniversaries and the old crystal and yarrow cast into running water. To help two become three, place Unakite under the pillow to aid in conception. During pregnancy a piece of Unakite on the womb helps parents-to-be make spiritual connection with their unborn baby; it is marvelous for use during labor to ease the transition. [Eason, 280][Hall, 311]

Unakite Jasper fosters healthy relationships through balanced emotions. It encourages harmonious partnerships, both in love and in business, and is especially helpful for working closely with a relative or friend where positive personal interactions are vital. [Lembo, 357][Eason, 280]

As a professional support stone, Unakite helps increase business success in areas of beauty, aromatherapy, and fashion design. It is also a sustaining stone for marriage counselors and divorce attorneys. [Lembo, 357]

Unakite Jasper is superb for healing and nurturing the physical and emotional bodies during injury, prolonged illness or hospitalization. Its Earth energies bring gradual strength and renewed vitality, while helping one to understand and endure these frustrating or painful experiences. [Melody, 345][Hall, 311][Ahsian, 220][Gienger, 50-53]

Unakite Jasper is a remarkable talisman for cutting down or quitting smoking, and for overcoming other long-standing addictions such as overeating or the over-consumption of alcohol or drugs. Over time, it removes harmful toxins and energies from the system on a deep cellular level, and helps release emotional triggers that perpetuate the behavior. [Simmons, 219][Eason, 280]

A large specimen or bowl of Unakite tumblestones in the environment brings a calm, gentle energy and negates the effects of electromagnetic pollution from televisions, computers and other technological devices. [Hall, 311]

Placed on the Third Eye, Unakite Jasper promotes visualization and encourages psychic vision. It may also be used as a casting crystal for scrying, signifying where compromise and integration are needed. [Hall, 310]

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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.